
Sunday, 8 February 2015

Setup No. Series in Navision 2013 or 2015

Setup No. Series in Nav 2013 or 2015
Number series is a great feature in Navision that allows automatically insert a number when new record is inserted into the table.
Step by step explain, how to setup a new No. Series on table and use on Page in Navision 2013 or 2015.

Step 1 – Create a number series in table No. Series (308).

Step 2: Create line in table No. Series Line (309)

Step 3: Create a field “Test Nos.” in Inventory Setup (313) table as field 50001.

Step 4: Add field on Inventory Setup page (461) as shown in the below image or enter the name of No. Series (TEST-01).

Page: Inventory Setup

Step 5: Create the table which must have 2 fields, “No.” and “No. Series

Create two variable and one function AssistEdit as shown in below images.

Step 6: Write the following code in table Demo No. Series.

IF "No." = '' THEN BEGIN
  InvtSetup.TESTFIELD("Test Nos.");
  NoSeriesMgt.InitSeries(InvtSetup."Test Nos.",xRec."No. Series",0D,"No.","No. Series");

IF "No." <> xRec."No." THEN BEGIN
  NoSeriesMgt.TestManual(InvtSetup."Test Nos.");
  "No. Series" := '';

InvtSetup.TESTFIELD("Test Nos.");
IF NoSeriesMgt.SelectSeries(InvtSetup."Test Nos.",xRec."No. Series","No. Series") THEN BEGIN

Create a New page, where you want to setup No, Series.

Page: Write the code on No. - OnAssistEdit()

IF AssistEdit THEN

This is how you setup No series in Navision 2013 or 2015. Your final Page look like below image.

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