
Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Consume XML File as Web Service SOAP Request

XMLports are used to export data from a Microsoft Dynamics NAV database to a file or import data from a file to a Microsoft Dynamics NAV database. Expose a codeunit as a web service that import data as XML. It work as receiver and support bulk data insert.

Create Item Buffer Table.

Create XML Port for the table

Create Codeunit which expose as  WebService

Publish Web Services

Check the WSDL using Internet Explorer

Use Boomerang – SOAP and REST Client

  • Create new project
  • Create a Service
  • Enter WSDL URL and Service name. (Published Web Services in NAV - image 3)

Click on Request on left hand side and Create XML as per image

Click on Send

Check the Item Buffer Table, Data is imported into the table.