This is small customization in LS Retail for not print price change item in the receipt.
1. Create field in POS Trans. Line (99008981) table and Trans. Sales Entry (99001473) table.
Field No. Field Name Data Type
50000 Print Line Boolean
2. Codeunit: POS Post Utility (99008902)
Add one line code in funtion: InsertSalesTransaction()
SalesEntry."Customer No." := POSTransaction."Customer No."; //Existing
SalesEntry."Print Line" := POSTransLineTmp."Print Line"; // Add Code
3. Create POS Command
Table: POS Command (99008920)
Create POS Command "PRICECH1" similar to PRICECH.
4. Codeunit: POS Transaction (99001570)
Write above code after end of PRICECH Case statement.
Create ChangePricePressed1 Function as similar to ChangePricePressed function in the POS Transaction codeunit and add bold highlight code
LineRec.VALIDATE(Price,Dec); //Existing Line
LineRec.VALIDATE(LineRec."Print Line",TRUE); //Add Code
LineRec.MODIFY; //Add Code
WriteMgrStatus; //Existing Line
5. Codeunit: POS Print Utility (99008903)
Add one line code in funtion as
PrintSalesInfo(VAR Transaction : Record "Transaction Header";Tray : Integer)
glTrans := Transaction;
SalesEntry.SETRANGE("Store No.",Transaction."Store No.");
SalesEntry.SETRANGE("POS Terminal No.",Transaction."POS Terminal No.");
SalesEntry.SETRANGE("Transaction No.",Transaction."Transaction No.");
SalesEntry.SETRANGE("Print Line",FALSE); //Add Code
OrderByDepartment := GenPosFunc."Receipt Printing by Category";
6. Add PRICECH1 command in Post Command and Post Parameter 0
1. Create field in POS Trans. Line (99008981) table and Trans. Sales Entry (99001473) table.
Field No. Field Name Data Type
50000 Print Line Boolean
2. Codeunit: POS Post Utility (99008902)
Add one line code in funtion: InsertSalesTransaction()
SalesEntry."Customer No." := POSTransaction."Customer No."; //Existing
SalesEntry."Print Line" := POSTransLineTmp."Print Line"; // Add Code
3. Create POS Command
Table: POS Command (99008920)
Create POS Command "PRICECH1" similar to PRICECH.
4. Codeunit: POS Transaction (99001570)
Write above code after end of PRICECH Case statement.
Create ChangePricePressed1 Function as similar to ChangePricePressed function in the POS Transaction codeunit and add bold highlight code
LineRec.VALIDATE(Price,Dec); //Existing Line
LineRec.VALIDATE(LineRec."Print Line",TRUE); //Add Code
LineRec.MODIFY; //Add Code
WriteMgrStatus; //Existing Line
5. Codeunit: POS Print Utility (99008903)
Add one line code in funtion as
PrintSalesInfo(VAR Transaction : Record "Transaction Header";Tray : Integer)
glTrans := Transaction;
SalesEntry.SETRANGE("Store No.",Transaction."Store No.");
SalesEntry.SETRANGE("POS Terminal No.",Transaction."POS Terminal No.");
SalesEntry.SETRANGE("Transaction No.",Transaction."Transaction No.");
SalesEntry.SETRANGE("Print Line",FALSE); //Add Code
OrderByDepartment := GenPosFunc."Receipt Printing by Category";
6. Add PRICECH1 command in Post Command and Post Parameter 0